Occasionally, I enjoy writing in my free time. I created this blog area of my website for my clients and fellow animal lovers. I hope to fill my blogs with useful and fun information; everything from information on pet transportation service to choosing the right food for our pets. I may even have some blogs relating to my pet travel journeys. If I feel strongly about an animal related product or pet service, I will also post my reviews and honest opinions on those goods or services. I hope my late night ramblings prove to be helpful, or at the least entertaining for my readers. If you have a topic you would like more information on, feel free to shoot me an email with your suggestions. Thank you for visiting my blog!

~Beate Fischer

Airline No Fly List

Learn why airline safety policies & restrictions for many breeds have left them with pet ground shipping as an only option.

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Meet Beate Fischer

Meet the pet ground shipper behind B's Pet Delivery, Beate Fischer of Billings, Montana.

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